Advertiser Affiliate Marketing Test Where can you improve your affiliate marketing? We’ve compiled a test consisting of 10 questions that deep dives into key areas of affiliate marketing. If you master them all, then you have something great going on, but most likely there will always be areas to improve. Take our knowledge on best practice and get insight on where you would be able to improve your effort. Begin TestPage 1 of 10 What earnings per click (EPC) do you offer?The bottom line affiliates look at is how much they earn per click sent, because conversion rate, average order amount, commission etc. varies pr. campaign, but this sums up the performance in an easy comparable way. The EPC would be your cost per click as an advertiser. The EPC of course varies much from business and industry, but being above 0,4€ is generally a strong health sign and makes your program attractive in general. >0,4€ 0,1-0,4€ <0,1€ Page 2 of 10 What tracking implementation do you have?Having proper tracking is key in the ever changing digital landscape. Are you still relying on 3rd party cookies, then this is no longer a viable method. We always recommend going for either the Server-to-Server or 1st party solution. Server-to-Server 1st Party Tracking 3rd Party Tracking Page 3 of 10 Product feed available?Many affiliates make use of a feed including your products or services in order to automate the promotion of your business. Make sure yours is optimized to make most out of potential collaborations. Yes, we have an optimized affiliate feed Yes, we have a feed available No, we do not offer a feed Page 4 of 10 Do you offer display banners?Banners and advertising material comes in many shapes and sizes. Consult with us or your affiliate network to make sure you at least offer the minimum required in order not to miss out on opportunities. Yes, we offer all banners asked by the affiliate network Yes, we offer a standard set of banners No, we do not offer banners Page 5 of 10 Do you offer commission incentives?The options are many and often tailored each business. But it is important that you have opportunity to incentivize affiliates that work well to do more, whether this is a tiered commission, manual setup, seasonal general increases etc. Yes, we have multiple incentives Yes, but we rarely increase the incentive for affiliates No, we work on a standard commission Page 6 of 10 Do you push business insights and promotions?Informing your affiliates about bestsellers, what landingpages to promote and insights that can help them direct traffic better to generate more sales is gold worth. So make sure to inform your affiliates regularly about what the next promotional campaign is or if you have certain products that perform particularly well. Yes, minimum once a month Yes, but rarely or on request No, not at all Page 7 of 10 How do you evaluate conversions?Affiliate marketing gives the unique opportunity to evaluate conversions, but affiliates will consider how many of the conversions are accepted and paid out. The stricter an advertiser is in the process, the less likely affiliates are to continue the advertiser. Consider seeing the cost of affiliate including possible cancellations and your affiliates will very likely perform more steady. We accept all sales We evaluate sales monthly We do not evaluate sales Page 8 of 10 What is your payment process?The conversion-to-payout ratio is important and the shorter the better allowing affiliates to reinvest the earnings, which grows their relation with you. This ratio should be 30-60 days optimally, for affiliates not to halt a promotion till they received a payout. We prepay the affiliate network We pay invoice within 14 days from received We have a longer payment term than 14 days Page 9 of 10 Are you talking to your affiliates?Affiliate marketing is all about relations and regular communication with affiliates is the main way to grow collaborations. Yes, we are proactively in touch with affiliates direct and via affiliate networks We are reactively in touch with affiliates direct and via affiliate networks We do not have the capacity to talk to affiliates Page 10 of 10 Affiliate campaign restrictions?The opportunity for affiliate marketing to be your omni channel marketing provider is there! But this depends on how restrictive All is allowed to apply All but a few affiliate categories allowed Limited and only a few categories allowed Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating 0 / 5. Vote count: 0 No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post.