Specialists In Affiliate Data Feed Management

We do affiliate data feed management for 500+ data feeds and millions of products through multiple affiliate networks. Manage, optimize and integrate your affiliate data feed with ease.

affiliate data feed management

Generate Feeds Easily

Avoid the hassle of managing feeds manually and implement our plugin directly to any major CMS to receive data daily and generate a rich feed for your affiliates to use and promote

Integrate Seamlessly

We tailor the format, headers, columns and cell values to make an ideal output matching affiliate network expectations and optimizing your feed to show the right data for your products or services

Monitor Daily

Monitor the health of your feed and update it continuously for the best output. Automatically receive suggestions on what to improve to keep your affiliates happy and revenue growing

Compatible With Most

awin affiliate network
tradedoubler affiliate network
daisycon affiliate network
tradetracker affiliate network
adtraction affiliate network

Easily integrate to current or new networks. Reach out if yours is not listed and we will find a solution to make sure you can offer the best feed possible.

Be The Perfect Match

header names

Change Header Names

All affiliate networks ask for different column header names. We can adjust feeds to match exactly what affiliate networks ask for to avoid confusion and for the best integration.

custom columns

Custom Columns

Add or change the content of columns to optimize the output affiliates use. This could be adding a shipping cost column or calculating discount in a separate column.

replace cell values

Replace Cell Values

Working across systems there will always be values that does not fit. Replace values either in a whole column or single cells to fit who you are integrating to.

Global rules

Global rules

Avoid dead pages by removing out of stock products from your feed and rows with low quality missing product or image link to increase conversion rate and affiliate earnings.

change format

Change Format

XML, JSON, CSV among others are the most commonly accepted formats, but many networks have criteria to formatting and we are here to help you format your feed correctly.

always live

Always Live

We monitor feed vitals and keep you informed what changes or is missing to make sure you never miss out on potential.

Generate Feeds Automatically

If you do not already have a feed we have the solution that can generate and retrieve a feed from the most common CMS systems, this requires no coding, just installation of a plugin.

shopify logo
woocommerce logo
prestashop logo
magento logo

Affiliate Data Feed Management Made Easy

Data feed management

Make data feed management an easy job, we are specialists in the area and can integrate with most common platforms to automatically pull your products into a feed.

If you already have a feed, but need monitoring and optimization we can do that as well, because data feeds are increasingly a strong attribute for brands promoting with affiliate marketing.

A feed ensures that affiliates have up to date products or services with a maximum of 24-hour delay in promotions or updates. This enhances the performance of traffic passed through feeds, because it minimizes the probability of reaching outdated or dead pages.

We take care of the A-Z process of retrieving a feed, changes headers and values and creating the format which the individual affiliate networks require to work the best. Once implemented and live we monitor the feeds, so that you will receive quick notice on the health of the feed at any point.

Never miss a day of business and leverage our expertise to maximize the opportunity which feeds provide your affiliate marketing campaigns.

Improve Your Affiliate Marketing

affiliate dashboard

Combine Your Affiliate Marketing Campaigns Into One Dashboard With AffDash

– Services –

affiliate network tracking integration

Affiliate Network Tracking Integration Is Tricky

– Services –

Detailed advanced partnership management guide

Detailed advanced partnership management guide

– Services –

Tailor Your Affiliate Feeds

affiliate feeds

There are many affiliate data feed management softwares available, but there is just a few which specialize in affiliate feeds.

We are your experts when it comes to affiliate feeds, because this is all we do.

We help affiliate managers and advertisers with an A-Z solution easily generating a feed from their CMS, adjusting and customizing into detail, making sure formats are correct, cell values are displayed how the affiliate network prefers and filter out any out of stock products, so that you do not lead visitors to dead pages and miss out on revenue.

Through our dashboard we aim to supply you with overview on the health of your feeds, so that you are aware of any downtime with a minimum delay to find a solution.

Because Down Time = Money Lost

Be on top of the game partnering with affiliate marketing experts providing you the software and guidance to offer the best solution possible to your partners.

Our system allows you to make global adjustments and deepdive into replacing specific cell values, should delimiter, text marker or special character be present and needs transformation.

tradedoubler feed
Tradedoubler Feed

Integrate your affiliate feed with Tradedoubler. We offer the solution to make it a quick process and make sure you are always live.

awin feed
Awin Feed

Generate a feed that awin affiliates can use and benefit from CSS, comparison and content publishers promoting your business

tradetracker feed
TradeTracker Feed

With a TradeTracker feed optimized by Nordpar you have the optimal conditions and we will guide you for the best implementation

cj feed
CJ Feed

We work with the largest affiliate networks and can offer unlimited amount of feeds and formats to customize what your affiliates can promote

daisycon feed
Daisycon Feed

Work with affiliates in Europe and rest of the world and connect with affiliates present globally. Make sure your software supplier can scale with you

Affiliate Product Feed

affiliate product feed

Be the unique fit for any network you work with. So far we’ve not encountered a challenge we could not overcome and those the dashboard could not deal with at the time, we made adjustments right away to make them compatible.

Gain the edge on competition by not just offering the basics, but offer all you can to your partners, to make them able to optimize on your behalf to gain most bang for the buck.

Simple errors like keeping out of stock products present, missing images or broken links results in dead pages which ultimately lowers your conversion rate that affects the earnings from your partners.

This is a big deal! Pay the peanuts we ask for and make your partners happy!

You can even use our solution integrating to Google and Facebook ads as well, this way you can save the cost on expensive tools and get granular + a dashboard to keep track on general performance.

How can we help?

If you have questions
call us or send us an email
We’re here to help!
